The Evolution of Engagement Rings Through the Years
Hulton ArchiveGetty Images An engagement ring is more than just a piece of jewelry: It signifies a major commitment in your relationship and gets shown off a lot on the ‘gram. But the history behind why engagement rings exist dates all the way back to Ancient Rome. Find out how this piece of jewelry came…
15 Delightfully Basic Sunglasses To Own For Life
Courtesy As a proud owner of butterfly-shaped sunglasses, I can safely say that I’ve worn them exactly one time. Owning a massive collection of styles that range from skinny to oversized to straight up weird usually means one thing: I get overwhelmed and reach for the same boring pair on the daily. And there’s no…
«Сердце как будто плавилось»: Мишель Обама рассказала, как пережила менопаузу в статусе первой леди
СМИ: Меган и Гарри купили дом российского олигарха в ипотеку
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